Government and the Regulator in principle can accept the completeness, mechanisms and procedures owned by RIM-Authorized Repair Facility as after-sales and service center BlackBerry Smartphone in Indonesia. The decision came out in the plenary meeting of Telecommunication Regulation Agency (BRTI) led by Secretary General of Department of Communication and Information (Depkominfo), concurrently Task Executive of Director General of Post and Telecommunication, Basuki Yusuf Iskandar. "It's just that, BRTI ask RIM to make a statement on the seal which shall be signed by an authorized representative of RIM's Canadian headquarters and legally responsible for RIM's operations in Indonesia," said Chief Information Center Depkominfo, Gatot S Dewa Broto. As for the waiver covers the five cases, ie about RIM's efforts to meet the requested requirements related follow-up commitment to the BlackBerry service center. The second, visit of the BRTI team and Depkominfo on August 19, 2009 to see, learn and make judgments freely and directly to the RIM-Authorized Repair Facility in Indonesia.
Third, the RIM-Authorized Repair Facility is provided as an after-sales service center as set forth in Article 8 paragraph (2) letter (f) at Permenkominfo No. 29/2008 on the Certification of Telecommunications Equipment and Tool. Fourth, the RIM-Authorized Repair Facility is provided as a after sales service center is a total solution, so that any damaged communication equipments does not need to bring out of Indonesia. Finally, RIM-Authorized Repair Facility operationally began the function since August 21, 2009. While RIM's after sales service are scattered in several places, also officially opened to the public for users who buy the device through some organizers affiliated with RIM since August 26, 2009.