In order to strengthen its Internet market, Opera Software ASA, a Norwegian Software plans to offer Mobile E-Mail services by taking over Web-based e-mail provider, e-mail services provider from Australia. In its press release recently, Opera said that the acquisition will enable Opera to expand its current messaging product portfolio and deliver cross-platform messaging to a wide range of devices, including computers, mobile phones, TVs and gaming consoles. "The newest generation of Web users will discover the Web through a mobile device. Having world-class messaging capability alongside a rich and compelling Web experience is essential. By combining forces, Opera and can offer messaging on any device. This will enhance the value Opera provides to consumers, while assisting our operator partners in reducing customer churn," says Rolf Assev, Chief Strategy Officer, Opera Software.
FastMail spokesman Rob Mueller in FastMail.FM Weblog said, "In an increasingly competitive market, we believe we need to make some big investments to take the next steps forward. Joining together Opera’s expertise in web browsers and especially the mobile market, and FastMail.FM’s expertise in email, will allow us to grow and take on the next big challenges in running and building an email service." "Opera have a huge browser customer base (over 100 million users), and a thriving community of users at, which will help us grow FastMail in size and reach," he said. As part of the deal, some of the Opera staff will be moved to Australia, and several employees of FastMail will be sent to Norway. Unfortunately not known exactly the funds expended by Opera Software to acquire Fastmail.